Alumni's Story
We now call for donation of memorable items that are testimony to the century-long history of WYK. Items that we are particularly looking for include:
- School documents, payrolls, early newspaper clippings or other items of historical significance
- Report cards, certificates, textbooks, course notes in the early years
- Badges or trophies of clubs, societies, sports teams or uniform groups
- Photographs of school campus, memorable events, or photos taken with teachers, people that have deep connections with Wah Yan
*Please provide a brief description of the memorable items, e.g. date, venue, people involved, events, etc.
For details or enquiries, please contact Ms Jo MIU of WYK at 2384 1038 /
“九龍華仁童軍的那個11旅「九龍11旅」有一段非常輝煌的歷史。當時我入華仁前,一九五幾年的時候,有一個非常輝煌的童軍團體,甚至有一年贏了很多大獎,當時的港督封這個11旅為governor’s group,這個是什麼情形呢?例如,當時11旅的制服是灰色的褲子和衫,後來香港的童軍一般已經轉了,轉成卡其色的衣服和綠色的褲子,但因為我們是governor’s...
“我比較喜歡打橋牌,同學都頗迷上打橋牌,試過有時需要去香港島那邊打,那時候過海隧道還沒建成,所以,打完橋牌回家,沒有交通工具,要坐「嘩啦嘩啦」(Walla-Walla) 過海回家。[那個年代] 可以試...
“70年代的華仁,當時已有Conservancy Club […] 我那時覺得很奇怪,七幾年,到底甚麼是conservancy?有甚麼可以conserve 呢?今天,我們稱之為「環保 environmental...
“以前Fr. Naylor 每個禮拜都會有倫理堂 […] 有時會做一些很另類的事,例如帶我們去京士柏,有同學要扮盲綁起雙眼,有同學要扮跛腳單腳行,目的是甚麼?其實神父想我們親身體驗,原來社會上有好多不幸的人,可能他們失明,或者其他殘障,如果我們沒有親身體驗過,便難以體會他人的痛苦...
“那時大家都放很多時間準備高考 A-level,我們亦發起了一個「一人一A」計劃, lunchtime時候,我們自發地一班同學留在班房一起溫書、「操題」等等,所以亦一齊叫外賣。其實那時未有現時的手機外...
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